Let me introduce Doug Fast with Platinum Realty
Doug Fast is a personal friend of mine and an excellent Real Estate agent. What separates him from the other agents is his aggressiveness. I have seen him first hand take his transactions personal. If you’re looking to sell your house, or buy a new home, he will fight until the end and make sure that you are getting the best deal. He truly cares about his clients.
Doug contacted me this week and told me about how he wants to give back to the community. Doug wrote the fallowing message and after reading this, I encourage EVERYONE to give Doug a call.
"Now here’s something you don’t see everyday, (not yet, anyway)…
If you purchase or sell a home with us, we, at the “Fast Team” will give from 15 percent up to 50 percent of our commission to your church, school or the charity of your choice. We’ll make this donation in your name, or any name you wish. Here’s how our “Fast Team” program works:
Each month, we give 15 percent of our commission for this first transaction.
The second transaction of the month, we’ll give 20 percent, not only for that second transaction, but we’ll increase our donation for the first sale to a total of 20 percent as well. Each transaction we’ll increase our donation by 5 percent, up to 50 percent total, for all transactions.
Here’s an example:
The average home in our area sells for a little above $150,000.
Our typical 3 percent commission on $150,000 would be $4,500.
15 percent of $4,500 is $675. We will give that $675 to your church, school or charity.
Using this example:
1st transaction — we give $675 to your church, school or charity.
2nd transaction — we give $900 to your church, school or charity.
3rd transaction — we give $1,125 to your church, school or charity.
4th transaction — we give $1,350 to your church, school or charity.
5th transaction — we give $1,575 to your church, school or charity.
6th transaction — we give $1,800 to your church, school or charity.
7th transaction — we give $2,025 to your church, school or charity.
8th transaction — we give $2,250 to your church, school or charity.
The transactions do not have to be affiliated with one specific organization. They can be eight different churches, schools and charities combined. In this example, all eight receive a donation of $2,250 at the 50 percent level.
So, if you’re planning on buying or selling a home or other real estate — we’d like you to consider using us as your real estate professionals.
Thank you for your time and consideration.
Doug Fast
Platinum Real Estate Group
(616) 293-9101"
Posted by Jason Lash at 2:23 AM