Let me introduce Doug Fast with Platinum Realty
Doug Fast is a personal friend of mine and an excellent Real Estate agent. What separates him from the other agents is his aggressiveness. I have seen him first hand take his transactions personal. If you’re looking to sell your house, or buy a new home, he will fight until the end and make sure that you are getting the best deal. He truly cares about his clients.
Doug contacted me this week and told me about how he wants to give back to the community. Doug wrote the fallowing message and after reading this, I encourage EVERYONE to give Doug a call.
"Now here’s something you don’t see everyday, (not yet, anyway)…
If you purchase or sell a home with us, we, at the “Fast Team” will give from 15 percent up to 50 percent of our commission to your church, school or the charity of your choice. We’ll make this donation in your name, or any name you wish. Here’s how our “Fast Team” program works:
Each month, we give 15 percent of our commission for this first transaction.
The second transaction of the month, we’ll give 20 percent, not only for that second transaction, but we’ll increase our donation for the first sale to a total of 20 percent as well. Each transaction we’ll increase our donation by 5 percent, up to 50 percent total, for all transactions.
Here’s an example:
The average home in our area sells for a little above $150,000.
Our typical 3 percent commission on $150,000 would be $4,500.
15 percent of $4,500 is $675. We will give that $675 to your church, school or charity.
Using this example:
1st transaction — we give $675 to your church, school or charity.
2nd transaction — we give $900 to your church, school or charity.
3rd transaction — we give $1,125 to your church, school or charity.
4th transaction — we give $1,350 to your church, school or charity.
5th transaction — we give $1,575 to your church, school or charity.
6th transaction — we give $1,800 to your church, school or charity.
7th transaction — we give $2,025 to your church, school or charity.
8th transaction — we give $2,250 to your church, school or charity.
The transactions do not have to be affiliated with one specific organization. They can be eight different churches, schools and charities combined. In this example, all eight receive a donation of $2,250 at the 50 percent level.
So, if you’re planning on buying or selling a home or other real estate — we’d like you to consider using us as your real estate professionals.
Thank you for your time and consideration.
Doug Fast
Platinum Real Estate Group
(616) 293-9101"
Posted by Jason Lash at 2:23 AM

Economic Update July 9th, 2007
Last Week in the News
The nation's service economy expanded at a faster-than-expected pace in June, as the Institute for Supply Management (ISM) said on July 5 that its index of business activity in the non-manufacturing sector registered 60.7, topping May's reading of 59.7 and Wall Street's forecast of 58.1. A reading above 50 indicates expansion, while one below 50 signals contraction. The June reading was the highest since April 2006, when it hit 61.1.
Output at U.S. factories, plants and utilities also expanded in June, the ISM reported July 2. The ISM's manufacturing index rose to 56 in June, above the May reading of 55, and higher than the market expectation of 55.4. The reading marked the fifth consecutive month of growth for the manufacturing sector.
Late payments on home equity loans -- payments that are 30 days or more past due -- rose to 2.15% in the first quarter of this year, up sharply from 1.92% in the final quarter of 2006, the American Bankers Association (ABA) reported July 3. On a brighter note, the ABA also reported that late payments on credit card bills dropped to 4.41% in the first quarter, down from 4.56% in the fourth quarter of 2006, the best showing in nearly a year.
The average rate for a 30-year, fixed-rate mortgage fell to a one-month low, Freddie Mac said July 5. Rates have ebbed in recent weeks as investors' fears concerning inflation have eased.
This week look for updates on the trade balance on July 12 and retail sales on July 13.
Thank you,
Jason Lash
Branch Manager
Family Home Lending
Posted by Jason Lash at 10:31 AM

Economic Update July 2nd, 2007
Last Week in the News
Sales of new single-family homes fell 1.6% in May, far better than the 6.2% decline Wall Street had anticipated, the Commerce Department said June 26. The median price of a new home fell 0.9% to $236,100 in May, down from $238,200 in May 2006.
Existing home sales fell 0.3% in May to 5.99 million units, the slowest sales pace in four years, the National Association of Realtors said June 25. The median price of an existing home was $223,700, down 2.1% from a year earlier, marking the 10th straight month that the price has shown a year-over-year decline.
Construction spending in May climbed 0.9%, the largest jump in nearly 18 months, and well above Wall Street's expectation of a 0.1% rise, the Commerce Department reported June 29. Spending on residential construction, however, fell 0.8% to an annually adjusted rate of $549 billion, the 15th consecutive monthly decrease.
Orders to U.S. factories for big-ticket manufactured goods -- expected to last three or more years -- dropped by 2.8% in May, the largest amount in four months, and a far bigger slide than the 1% decline economists had forecast, the Commerce Department said June 27. A 22.7% plunge in commercial aircraft orders paced the decline.
Meanwhile, consumer spending in May rose by 0.5% for the second month in a row, the Commerce Department said on June 29. Incomes, which fuel spending, rebounded in May by 0.4%, after falling 0.2% in April.
This week look for updates on the unemployment rate on July 6.
Thank you,
Jason Lash
Branch Manager
Family Home Lending
Posted by Jason Lash at 12:46 PM

5 Reasons Why You Should Keep a Mortgage and Never Pay it Off
Mortgage Planner and author Ric Eldeman urges consumers never to own their home outright or pay it off, regardless of age or income. Here are five reasons why Home Asset Advisor's mortgage planning principles can work for you:
1, A mortgage is cheap money. Mortgages offer you the cheapest way to borrow, so it makes sense to get them the largest loan you can.
2. Mortgage interest is tax-deductible. You can save as much as 35 cents in taxes for every dollar they pay in interest. That means a six percent mortgage loan can really cost as little as four percent.
3. Mortgages will let you clients sell without selling. You don't have to sell your home to realize any increase in equity. They can simply get a new, larger mortgage to acquire the value of the home in cash without having to sell.
4. Long-term mortgages help create wealth. I would like to introduce you to a Financial Planning partner who can show you how to create wealth with longer term, lower payment mortgage loans and equity redistribution.
5. Mortgages give you greater liquidity and flexibility. Their are a lot of fallacy of pre-payments. Extra payments often go directly to principal and offer no tax deduction. Most people can benefit from an interest-only loan, allowing them to invest any additional payments elsewhere for greater return.
If you have any questions or would like to discuss this further, please contact me at the web site or phone numbers listed below.
Thank you,
Jason Lash
Branch Manager
Family Home Lending
Posted by Jason Lash at 9:26 PM

Last Week in the News
Construction of new homes in May fell to a seasonally adjusted annual rate of 1.47 million units, a 2.1% drop from April and a 24.2% decline from a year ago, the Commerce Department reported June 19. The decrease matched economists' expectations, and reflected weakness in the South and West, which offset construction gains made in the Northeast and Midwest.
Housing permits, considered a good barometer of future activity, rose 3% in May, but the increase followed a 7.1% plunge in April. Last month's stronger activity originated from a rebound in permits for apartment construction. Meanwhile, mortgage applications for single-family homes fell 1.8% and have been down four of the past five months.
The National Association of Home Builders reported on June 19 that its survey of builder sentiment sank two points to 28 in June, the lowest since it hit 27 in February of 1991. Readings below 50 mean more builders view market conditions as poor rather than favorable. All three major components of the index -- sales, sales expectations and buyer traffic -- posted declines.
Rates on 30-year mortgages, after rising for five straight weeks, edged down slightly for the week. Rates have been pressured by rising yields on the benchmark 10-year Treasury note.
For the week ended June 15, unemployment claims rose by 10,000, to 324,000, the highest level since mid-April. While the increase was unexpected, analysts said the labor market remained strong.
This week look for updates on existing home sales on June 25 and new home sales on June 26.
Thank you,
Jason Lash
Branch Manager
Family Home Lending
Posted by Jason Lash at 10:54 AM

Economic Update June 18th, 2007
Last Week in the News
Fueled by a surge in gasoline prices, May's Consumer Price Index increased 0.7%, its fastest pace in 20 months, the Labor Department reported June 15. However, core consumer prices, which exclude volatile food and energy costs, rose only 0.1%, slightly lower than the 0.2% analysts had predicted.
The Producer Price Index, which measures inflation at the wholesale level, rose 0.9% in May, worse than the 0.6% increase economists had expected. Yet, wholesale core inflation increased a moderate 0.2%, slightly better than the 0.3% hike analysts had anticipated.
Meanwhile, compared to April, retail sales in May surged 1.4%, the sharpest rise in 16 months and double the increase analysts had expected, the Commerce Department said June 13. The increase should ease fears that consumer spending, which accounts for two-thirds of the economy, could falter in coming months under the impact of rising gasoline prices, a challenging housing market and recent increases in interest rates.
Rates on 30-year mortgages rose for a fifth straight week, hitting the highest level in 11 months, Freddie Mac said June 14. The rise parallels rising yields on Treasury securities.
Foreclosures for May were up 19% from April and up nearly 90% from May 2006, RealtyTrac reported June 14. In Nevada, there was one foreclosure filing for every 166 households last month, nearly four times the national average and the highest rate in the country.
This week look for updates on building starts and housing permits on June 19.
Thank you,
Jason Lash
Branch Manager
Family Home Lending
Posted by Jason Lash at 4:16 PM

We are giving back to the community.
The market is flooded with homes for sale and people are desperate to sell them. As a result there are literally thousands of homes for sale in all price ranges for pennies on the dollar.
These homes are perfect for first time home buyers, people looking to “move up” to their next house, and investment properties.
Are you currently stuck in a lease? Don’t let that affect your decision. We have a lease buy out assistance program.
We have decided to take 10% of their revenue and donate it to a charity on every transaction. We support the fallowing charities:
• American Cancer Society
• Grand Rapids Humane Society
• Habitat for Humanity
• I.C.C.F. (Inner City Christian Federation)
• Met Trotter
We will donate to your choice of the charities listed above or to any charity or religious origination of your choosing.
For a free list of homes or to apply for financing please go to www.VirtualLoanPro.Com or call me at 866-366-5724.
Thank you,
Jason Lash
Branch Manager
Family Home Lending
Posted by Jason Lash at 10:31 AM

Economic Update June 11th, 2007
Last Week in the News
The U.S. trade deficit -- the gap between what America sells abroad and what it imports -- totaled $58.5 billion in April, a 6.2% improvement over the March deficit, the Commerce Department reported June 8. Record-high exports of $129.5 billion, reflecting strong sales of soybeans and other farm products, commercial aircraft and industrial machinery, helped shrink the gap.
The nation's service economy showed surprising strength as the Institute for Supply Management (ISM) said June 5 that its index of business activity in the non-manufacturing sector registered 59.7 in May, higher than April's reading of 56 and Wall Street's expectation of 56 for May. A reading above 50 indicates expansion.
A better-than-expected service economy underscored comments by Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke to a June 5 international money conference that the U.S. economy will rebound from an anemic performance at the start of the year to a "moderate pace" in coming quarters. On the mortgage front, he added, "We must walk a fine line: We have an obligation to prevent fraud and abusive lending; at the same time, we must tread carefully so as not to suppress responsible lending or eliminate refunding opportunities for subprime borrowers."
Meanwhile, mortgage rates rose a sixth straight week to their highest levels in 10 months, Freddie Mac reported June 7. Analysts attributed the rise to an improving service economy and low unemployment, resulting in a growing competition and higher-wage (inflationary) environment for workers.
This week look for updates on the Producer Price Index on June 14 and the Consumer Price Index on June 15.
Thank you,
Jason Lash
Branch Manager
Family Home Lending
Posted by Jason Lash at 10:25 AM